Monday, August 25, 2008

Cardinal Brady and the Lisbon Treaty

The comments made by Cardinal Brady at the Humbert Summer School received wide coverage in the Irish media.

RTE news showed a short clip of the archbishop preaching in the church. At least from the clip, it seemed that there were very few in the church and the age profile of those present certainly made a statement.

The cardinal made some interesting comments. His remarks seem to paraphrase many of the sentiments that made people vote No in the Lisbon Treaty referendum.

Junior Minister, Dick Roche, would do well to listen to the cardinal and take on board what he had to say.

Before the referendum the minster gave the impression he was no help to the Yes campaign and on RTE radio news this morning he was again showing his abrasive or petulant attitude. One has to ask is Minister Roche the right man for the job when it comes to selling the Lisbon Treaty in Ireland.

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