Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Goldsmith Summer School

At the Goldsmith Summer School in Ballymahon at the weekend keynote speaker Kevin Myers spoke about the media and how nasty and intrusive it has become.

He pointed out how he finds an increasing nastiness in all forms of media and was scathing in his attack of the Joe Duffy Show. He reminded his listeners of the hype that was created around his famous/infamous column on 'Mothers of Bastards'.

RTE crime correspondent Paul Reynolds spoke of the increasing intrusion by journalists in the private lives of people.

Kevin Myers' analysis of the new world of nastiness has many interesting aspects to it.

Could it not be said that the 'world of nastiness' was always part of the world and the only difference now is that it is no longer private but out in the public forum for public perusal?

The theme of the weekend was 'Journalism is above the media'.

Abbeyshrule, which is circa eight kilometres from Ballymahon is an idyllic spot with the RoyalCanal running through it.


Anonymous said...

Nothing to do with the above but Nassim Tabel looks like the kind of person you would be interested in - see

Michael Commane said...

Yes, he seems a most interesting person. Can you arrange a meeting?

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