Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Anonymity and invective

There is a thoughtful and interesting comment made on this blog today. It appears under the Lisbon Treaty of May 6.

It is signed. The author can be traced and he has no problem with that.

It is interesting to note the link there is between anonymous comments and invective. There seems also a nexus between a worrying right-wing agenda and anonymity.

Anonymity and secrecy provide the oxygen for so much sadness and wrong-doing, especially in the church.

One of the reasons for the genesis of this blog was to highlight the wrong that anonymity and secrecy create.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You seem to have a very big problem with anonymity, but yet you have it as one of the options. It is your blog, so if you are so upset with it, then remove the option - simple as that! It may change your blog into a lecture rather than a discussion though. And yes, I will remain anonymous thank you!

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