Thursday, April 24, 2008

Lisbon Treaty

Close to 50 people attended a meeting on The Lisbon Treaty at the Teachers Centre in Dublin last evening. Six speakers addressed the group, each speaking for 11 minutes.

The tone of the meeting was that it was best for Ireland to vote no.

Green Party Senator Deirdre deBurca spoke in favour of the treaty. She came across as most competent and honest. At one stage she made the point that probably if the Green Party were not in power, the party would be voting against the treaty - maybe political suicide but extraordinary honesty for an Irish politician.

She suggested that if Ireland does vote no, the 26 other states will make an addendum and move on.

It would seem that extremes of right and left are forming an alliance opposed to the Lisbon Treaty.

The document circulated by Government to homes re the treaty needs to be much clearer and is far too obtuse.

As already mentioned here the April issue of Alive! carries a most distasteful advertisement re the treaty. Appealing for funds it reads, "Yes! I want to help defeat this godless treaty".

In that same issue of Alive! a small ad reads: " HEALER to help lady with acid in stomach." The ad then goes on to give a telephone number.

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