Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Maybe good bye

It is most probable that this blog is about to close down. Blogs and bloggers are a strange animal.
There are more efficient ways of getting the message out to the public.
That letter, which I quoted from The Tablet makes a good point about the mind-set of some bloggers. And I would hate to be associated with such a grouping.
I hope you have enjoyed what appeared on this blog.
But be assured, the fight goes on.


Anonymous said...


I have wanted to ask a question, and now (it would appear) 'I had better start before you finish', to modify a famous quiz programme quotation.

Why a photo of Santa Maria Novella as the image to accompany your name on the homepage of your blogspot? A Dominican church, it is true, but was it perhaps because very few Dominican centres have actually given their name to a nearby railway station?

'Their sound has gone out', the chorus sings in performances of Messiah. Even by rail!

Michael Commane said...

Yes, that is part of the reason. There is also another aspect to it, which will remain in the author's head.
For every FS loco driver the Florence station is logged as SMN.
Up to very recently older Irish Rail loco drivers always referred to KB for what we now call Heuston Station.
Useless information.

Francis Hunt said...

Hey, Michael!
Since I discovered your blog about a fortnight ago, I've been accessing it regularly - and enjoying it too - mostly!

Illigitimi non carborundum, or something like that. If you give it up, I, for one, will miss it.


Anonymous said...


I am greatly enjoying your blog and view it as a welcome link to what is going on in at least one small area of Dominican life. Please don't close it down!

Michael Commane said...

Many may not know that the Sean Heuston of railway fame had a brother, Fr JM Heuston who was an Irish Dominican.
Sean Heuston was executed by British authorities in 1916. Before the Rising he had worked with the railway company.
Fr JM Heuston was an extremely intelligent man, a gifted mathematician. But he was also a kindly man, who suffered greatly.
He acknowledged that the late John O'Gorman had one of the finest mathematical brains he had ever encountered.

Anonymous said...

There is a railway station in London called 'Blackfriars', located on the site of the medieval Dominican priory. Nearby is Blackfriars Bridge, decorated with pulpits. I travelled on Dublin's Luas for the first time this summer and found it fast, comfortable - and magical. Before getting to 'Heuston' you pass a red cow, a blue bell, a black horse and a golden bridge. 'Blackfriars' never caught on in Ireland, as it did in England, as a nickname for the Dominicans.

Michael Commane said...

And many may know that DB renamed one of their ICE trains and call it Albertus Magnus.
DB and SNCF are now working in cooperation and running their TGVs and ICEs between Paris Frankfurt am Main and Paris Stuttgart. It is a seamless interchange.
Journey time is three hours 50 minutes.
Talking of things French, the late Cardinal Lustiger once said in a sermon that if you go to Mass as you go to a petrol station, to fill the tank, you're wrong. You are the petrol.
And on the Dublin Cork line you pass through a new bridge and indeed a cherry orchard. Other lines bring you through a lay town, a bay side, a sea point, a black rock, grey stones, a cool mine, a broom bridge, a little island.

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