Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Yes, I also believe 'knocking' is part of the fun of blogging, especially so in an era where there seems to be an emphasis on being serious and important, maybe most of all in an organisation as the Irish Catholic Church where there is a growing and worrying tendency whereby people are becoming annoyingly insular.
I am amazed that a newspaper does not get a journalist to eavesdrop on Sunday sermons and then report on them in Monday's edition.
I think very quickly many Irish priests would begin to take themselves and their high notions of priesthood less seriously having read a series of sermons.
But 'knocking' might irritate people, might make them think the writer is a crank. And that would be of no help. This blog is about creating a platform for a serious and open conversation. It is an attempt at debunking pious humbug.

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