Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Denis Byrne RIP

June Caldwell,
That comes as a great shock to me. May I have your email address please.


Anonymous said...


Of course, yeah, sorry I meant to leave it. It's june.caldwell@ntlworld.com Write and I'll fill you in on the news. I was very shaken by it to be honest as I had been talking to Denis before he went into hospital and I was foolishly playing down any of the [real] worries he had. He was totally sure he was going to die. The funeral was terribly sad but also very beautiful. I did try ringing the Kerryman to let you know but they didn't know where you'd gone to and I Googled as well. I tried to tell as many people as possible. The turnout was enormous, but so sad seeing the little coffin laid in the ground. Poor guy. There's a few obituaries on Google for him: http://www.tribune.ie/2007/01/28/81639.html is one and http://finnharps.openhosts.com/News/07Jan31DinnyByrneTribute.html

Anonymous said...

http://finnharps.openhosts.com/News/07Jan31DinnyByrneTribute.html is the other tribute, it didn't print out properly on your blog. Sorry. J x

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