St. John Chrysostom (c. 347-407): Or else the devil so speaks, as if he said, ‘by taking away uncleanness, and giving to the souls of men divine knowledge, you allow us no place in men.’

St. Augustine (354-430), Moreover, how great is the power which the lowliness of God, appearing in the form of a servant, has over the pride of devils, the devils themselves know so well, that they express it to the same Lord clothed in the weakness of flesh.

For there follows, “And he cried out, saying, ‘What have we to do we you, Jesus of Nazareth, &c.’” For it is evident in these words that there was in them knowledge, but there was not charity; and the reason was, that they feared their punishment from Him, and loved not the righteousness in Him.

For He was known to them in that degree in which He wished to be known; and He wished as much as was fitting. He was not known to them as to the holy Angels, who enjoy Him by partaking of His eternity according as He is the Word of God; but as He was to be made known in terror, to those beings from whose tyrannical power He was about to free those he had predestined. He was known therefore to the devils, not in that He is eternal Life, (see 1 John 5:20, John 17:3) but by some temporal effects of His Power

Picture: Jesus expels the demon in the Synagogue in Capernaum, from the Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry


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