Friday, March 28, 2014

Nature at play

This afternoon walking through Orwell Park I spot a man fishing on the Dodder and then see a trout on his hook. In fishing parlance it must have been a 'two pounder'. a fine big trout.

We got chatting, I told him as a child and a young 'fella' I fished at that spot.

Out of the blue he asked if I'd like the fish. I could not believe my ears. Ran home, with the fish wriggling in my clenched fist.

It's now all prepared for dinner. Thank you fisherman.

Went back out on my scheduled walk and at Rathfarnham Bridge two swans at play.

1 comment:

Francis Hunt said...

Or, as Flann O'Brian put it; "Ag Snámh dá Éin" :-)

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