Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Bishop compares Irish institutional church to Jesus

Below is a quote from a sermon preached at the ordination of a priest in Ireland.

"To be Catholic in the 21st century Ireland is a very different proposition than in the 20thcentury. So much change within and without the Church has changed our context for believing. No longer can we presume the support and sharing of faith  – on the contrary in many quarters hostility is the order of the day. But then that is not new – many pages of the Gospels speak of the challenges and rejection of Jesus’ own words and deeds."

But surely much of the 'hostility' is due to the hurt that the institutional church caused to people. It did this principally through its control and power.

It spent great sums of money, much energy and expertise covering up and not telling the truth.

Is the bishop trying to compare the institutional church in Ireland to the courage and life of Jesus?

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