Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Buses serve almost every town and village in the county

This week’s column in The Kerryman newspaper.

Michael Commane

There was bad weather forecast for later on in the day on the first Saturday of the new year. I was on the mid-morning bus from Cloghane in West Kerry to Tralee to take the lunchtime train to Dublin. And guess what I saw in a field? Two young lambs, my first lambs of the new year. 

It was great to see them and another reminder that the days are getting longer and the hope now is for spring. I’m wondering but for the bus would I have spotted the newborn lambs?

The new bus service from Brandon/Cloghane/Castlegregory to Tralee is a God send, at least for me. It links Castlegregory five times a day with Tralee and twice a day for people living in Brandon and Cloghane. The return adult fare from Castlegregory to Tralee is a measly €4. Those in possession of a Travel Pass can of course travel without paying.

West Kerry is no exception. Since last August Transport for Ireland is providing a top class transport service across the county. Between private operators and Bus Éireann nearly every village and town has a good public service. Are we using it as we should? It seems to be hit and miss. I’ve been on buses with two or three and also on buses where I’ve counted 21 passengers.

I imagine most people have been critical of the transport infrastructure within the county. I’m wondering are those who were the loudest in criticising the paucity of service now making it their business to use the buses? It’s up to us, the people to make it work. 

We seem to be fixated on using our cars. Of course there are times when we have to use them but ask yourself how many times would it be just as easy to use the bus. I overheard someone say that the bus was really for the ‘free passers’ and those who don’t have cars. The inference was that they would not like to be associated with them. What nonsense. Snobbery is alive and well in Kerry.

But the TFI have also work to do. I’m still baffled with how poorly the routes and timetables are being advertised. That day I was travelling my phone had no signal, so how was I going to check the timetable? I have not yet seen a printed timetable that I can put in my wallet. Is there single new bus stop erected  on any of the routes? It doesn’t seem so. 

No doubt we are still in the early stages but timetables need to be tweaked. It makes no sense having a bus arrive at a rail station three minutes before the train departs or arrives.

TFI needs to tell the private operators and Bus Éireann to talk to each other and complement their services.

Between Tralee and Camp there are 15 buses each way every day. Why not have passengers from Brandon/Cloghane/ Castlegregory change on to the Dingle Tralee bus at Camp. It would save a lot of fuel and surely it’s something to think about.

What about making an effort to begin leaving the car at home and taking the bus? Just a suggestion for 2025. Try it.

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