Monday, July 15, 2024

Is Germany really in an age of uncertainty?

This blog yesterday reproduced a column by Derek Scally in the weekend edition of The Irish Times. It was, in the opinion of this blog, an informatative and engaging piece.

In the same newspaper Derek Scally writes an opinion piece about Germany titled ‘Germany’s Age of Uncertainty’.

He criticises DB - German Rail for punctuality and how the State has not pumped more money into the company but he never mentions how DB rebuilt DR - East German Rail. DB replaced/renovated the entire rolling stock of the clapped out DR. They also rebuilt the entire track infrastructure from Rostock in the north to Dresden in the south, and from the eastern city of Frankfurt-an-der Oder to Brandenburg in the west.

Derek also criticises the slow building efforts in Berlin. But not a word about what has been done at Palast der Republik, the rebuilding and refurbishing of the ugly Stalinist-style housing peppered all over East Berlin. And how the transport sector has been rebuilt. The work done on the Underground, the fabulous new Main Rail Station, replacing the old run-down dirty Lehrter Bahnhof.

There’s much to do, there are serious problems but Germany has proved a world beater when it comes to offering support and comfort to people fleeing from war and starvation. The Germans are a world leader in offering hospitality to Syrians. They have proved with deeds their support for the people of Ukraine. It’s not easy for any Germany government to supply tanks and guns to a European country at war with Russia. Rhein Metall is the single biggest supplier of weaponry to Ukraine and they are in the process of building a facility in Ukraine

As to Israel, Germany can never forget what it did to the Jews. It is understandable they are betwixt and between when it comes to what Israel is doing to the people of Palestine.

Every day and night Germany has to live with the torment of what their parents, grandparents and great grandparents did with open eyes across Europe but especially in the Soviet Union and to the Jews.

And what about the Euros? This morning a Sky journalist complimented the Germans for how well they organised the tournament.

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