Sunday, April 9, 2023

Easter greetings

Happy Easter to all our readers. 

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby in his Easter address spoke about the momentous event that happened on Easter Sunday.

He began his sermon by talking about the historical event of the resurrection of Jesus.

He noted how the witness sounded real, how the disciples were so changed after the event.

The global church has sinned and sinned, and suffered too, and yet it still is given a sense of renewal, passes away from old failures and finds its life again and again.

Christians long to know this God of love so that we might live and become like him.

The church speaks of eternal values even when they are unpopular.

From the finality of death, a new beginning is made. 

Without the resurrection of the body of Jesus there are endings.

We see the reality of the resurrection all over the world. In conflicts reconciled, and hatreds overcome.

Because the tomb is empty, our hearts are full.

Nothing is outside the power of God.

Christ has risen.

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