Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Seattle archbishop moves into his new $2.4 million home

The link below is from the National Catholic Reporter.

The story reminds one of the saga surrounding the ‘Bishop of Bling’. Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst while bishop in Limburg spent $43 million on home renovations at his palatial pad in Limburg, Germany.

Indeed, Archbishop Paul Etienne even looks a little like Bishop Franz-Peter Tebartz-can Elst.

And it has all to do with entitlement. Clericalism is about entitlement. From entitlement flows, arrogance and so many other characteristics that are no help whatsoever to Christianity.

While the Seattle archdiocese argues that the new home will provide needed space for guests and events, others are critical of the purchase, given Archbishop Paul Etienne's initial promise to live a "simplified life.”

It is worth nothing that the new residence is somewhat smaller than the previous diocesan home, which was a 9,000-square-foot mansion named Connolly House .

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There will always be begrudgers …

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