Thursday, July 22, 2021

A brave Pope Francis says no to old Latin Mass

The text below is from The Irish Times of Friday, July 16. The link is from Crux.

Has the provincial of the Irish Dominicans made any statement about Irish Dominican priests celebrating the old Latin Mass?

Pope Francis has cracked down on the spread of the old Latin Mass, reversing one of Benedict XVI’s signature decisions in a major challenge to traditionalist Catholics who immediately condemned it as an attack on them and the ancient liturgy.

Pope Francis reimposed restrictions on celebrating the Latin Mass that Benedict relaxed in 2007, and went further to limit its use.

The pontiff said he was taking action because Benedict’s reform had become a source of division in the church and been used by Catholics opposed to the Second Vatican Council, the 1960s meetings that modernised the Church and its liturgy.

Critics said they had never before witnessed a Pope so thoroughly reversing a predecessor’s policy. That the reversal concerned something so fundamental as the liturgy, while Benedict is still alive and living in the Vatican as a retired pontiff, only amplified the extraordinary nature of Pope Francis’s move, which is set to provoke more right-wing hostility.

Pope Francis (84) issued a new law requiring individual bishops to approve celebrations of the old Mass, also called the Tridentine Mass, and requiring newly ordained priests to receive explicit permission to celebrate it from their bishops in consultation with the Vatican.

Under the new law, bishops must also determine if current groups of faithful attached to the old Mass accept Vatican II, which allowed for Mass to be celebrated in the vernacular rather than Latin. These groups can no longer use regular parishes for their Masses, and bishops must find an alternative location for them.

In addition, Pope Francis said bishops are no longer allowed to authorise the formation of any new pro-Latin Mass groups in their dioceses.The pontiff said he was taking action to promote unity and heal divisions within the Church that had grown since Benedict’s 2007 document, Summorum Pontificum. from Crux!

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