Monday, December 21, 2020

West Kerry wisdom versus US Dominican nonsense

In the time of Covid - 19 all decisions are fluid and open to change at short notice. It is a difficult time for governments. It is a difficult time for all of us.

Religious services online have added a whole new phenomenon, aspect, comment to our liturgy.

Overheard in West Kerry on Sunday: a woman wanted to know could she smoke while watching Mass. She also wondered was it ok to answer the door if someone called while she was watching the webcam Mass. But her outstanding remark must be when she suggested that the local pubs in her village should open early on Sunday morning and show the parish Mass being relayed on the webcam.

And then there is this comment on twitter from an American Dominican. Can it get more crazy than this? Also, doesn't it make all the comments of the West Kerry woman sound profoundly sensible when compared to this man's nonsense.

The comment from the US Dominican  "A priest saying 12 straight Masses in a day is clearly contrary to the law."

And this priest is a canon lawyer. It says something about priesthood, canon law, the US Catholic Church and the Dominican Order.

Again, it is now well time for Irish bishops to announce the cancellation of all Masses over the Christmas season with people present in church .

Any other action is putting our health at risk. Priests and bishops need to act responsibly.


Póló said...

You mean all masses open to attendance physically by the faithful. Surely not virtual masses?

Michael Commane said...

Yes. Text is now amended. Thank you.

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