Sunday, December 22, 2019

Sometimes those kept newspapers make a great read

We all know people who keep old newspapers. Many of us put newspapers aside with the intention of reading some article at a later date.

Most times we never do. 

The papers pile high and cause clutter and a nuisance.

But on those few occasions it proves magic to keep them.

I kept The Irish Times of last Saturday, December 14, and by accident found in it a week later two most interesting articles.

An informative article on the current relationship between the Catholic Church and China. The page-long piece by Peter Goff makes for a great read.

The other piece, taken from the New York Times, is about two people who fell in love in Auschwitz, survived, parted during the forced marches as the Red Army approached, and met again in their 90s in New York.

The woman, Spitzer/MsTichauer said she despised the concept of the Holocaust as a business.

And, unfortunately, so much of it is at present.

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