Thursday, November 7, 2019

Border guard with a thesis to keep the Wall standing

  • The man in charge on the night of November 9, 1989, the night the Wall came down, at the East West Berlin crossing at Bornholmer Straße was Harald Jäger. 
  • He had studied at the University of the Ministry of State Security in Potsdam.
  • The title of his thesis - 'The Education of specialists forces, security and counter-terrorism in the border customs offices of the Customs Administration of the GDR as a prerequisite for targeted and differentiated inclusion of the members of the customs administration of the GDR in the system of counter-terrorism at the border crossing points of the GDR.'
  • Brilliant GDR-speak
Difficult to understand how anyone could take seriously such nonsense. And that's what happens so easily so often. Leaders, management have all the tools on their side to play games with our minds and wills. And then those who carry out their instructions.

Just some days earlier, on November 7, GDR prime minster, Willi Stoph with his entire cabinet was forced to reresign because of large anti- government protests.

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