Thursday, October 3, 2019

Day of German unity

On October 3, 1990 the German Democratic Republic was abolished and the territory became part of the Federal Republic of Germany.

The Berlin Wall was built in 1961 by the government of the GDR. Its purpose was to stop haemorrhaging of people from east to west, though the GDR authorities referred to it as a protection wall against capitalism.

It all came tumbling down in 1989.

With the reunification/unification of Germany Berlin became the capital city of a united Germany.

In many ways the two Berlins lost a certain charm. There was a uniqueness about BERLIN - Capital City of the GDR and WEST BERLIN.

The authorities in the GDR referred to BERLIN - Hauptstadt der DDR and then called the 'other part' BERLINWEST.

Authorities in the west called their sod WEST BERLIN and the eastern section EAST BERLIN.

West Berlin was considered not to be part pf the Federal Republic of Germany.

WEST BERLIN, because of its special status, attracted people with an alternative mindset to the city. BERLIN, capital city of the GDR, had a special pomp about it. And indeed, it was the geographical space that contained the historical Berlin Mitte. It also gave a hint or flavour of what life was like in the Soviet Union. A simple hop-step-and-jump at Friedrichstraße or somewhere such as Heinrich Heine Straße and one had moved from capitalism to communism. It was a great adventure.

Anyone who lived on either side of the Berlin Wall and then saw it fall is forced never to take seriously anyone who says 'that is not possible/that is not allowed'.

It is worth noting that during the time when Bonn was the German capital the country flourished in an open and altruistic manner.

Capital city Berlin has a history of pomp, capitalist and communist.

It so happens that the Fernsehturm (television tower) at Alexander Platz is 50 years old today.

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