Monday, June 10, 2019

'Live While You Can' - a story of God's love

Another quote from Fr Tony Coote's best-selling book, 'Live While You Can':

Jesus proclaimed that he came into the world not to condemn but to bring life. By being compassionate to others, we literally give them life and receive life ourselves. (P 160)

The June edition of the free-sheet 'Alive' tells a story written in a langauage so far removed from what Tony Coote writes on every page of his book.

In that same June issue there is questioning as to what caused the fire at Notre Dame - an insinuation that it may have been malicious.

On Page Nine there is this  sentence: "But the former pope offers the only way to true renewal of the Church and of our whole society."

Every page carries anger in some form or shape. This cannot be the Gospel of love.

At the bootom of Page One of the free-sheet the following sentence appears:

'The content of the newspaper ALIVE and the news expressed in it are those of the editor and contributors, and do not necessarily represent the views of the Irish Dominican Province.

The inclusion of the word 'necessarily' is worrying.

Who is the editor of Alive?

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