Sunday, September 9, 2018

Outrageous realities

In today's Gospel from Mark we read how Jesus makes "the deaf hear and the dumb speak".

In the next few days Idlib in Syria could become a humanitarian disaster.

There are close to one billion people in the world without enough food to eat.

Sixty-five million people are displaced and 750 million cannot read nor write.

1 comment:

Andreas said...

It's kind of clever again from the western video platform YouTube to switch off all Syrian channels just before the conflict starts... obviously some sources of information seem to be less important than others!

...A number of Syrian state and media-linked YouTube accounts have gone dark, as the battle for Idlib looms amid Russia’s warnings of an imminent false-flag chemical attack and Western preparations for retaliatory strikes.
On Saturday afternoon, the channels belonging to the Syrian presidency, the country’s Ministry of Defense, and SANA news all showed a message saying: “This account has been terminated due to a legal complaint,”...

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