Thursday, June 15, 2017

Vincent Kennedy OP RIP

Fr Vincent Kennedy died on June 7 at the Dominican community in Newbridge, Co. Kildare.

On the closing of the Dominican priory in Limerick, Vincent moved to Newbridge approximately 12 months ago, back to the priory where he had spent a pastoral year after his priestly ordination.

Vincent was born in Cork in May 1930, joined the Dominicans in 1950 and was ordained a priest in 1956.

Fr Kennedy spent many years in Trinidad. He also worked in Waterford, San Clemente in Rome, Lisbon and at the Dominican priory in Limerick where he was well-known for his almsgiving.

He was a gentle and kind man, gracious too.

At his funeral Mass in Newbridge Fr Jordan O'Brien made reference to a comment made in the chronicle of the Limerick community which was written by Fr Kennedy.

It was dated March 3, 2013: "No prior, no bishop, no pope."

Jordan in his sermon pointed out that at the time the said prior was out of office the previous day.

Jordan lived and worked with Vincent in Trinidad and Limerick. He also cared for Vincent in his old age when he was infirm.

It has been remiss of this blog not to have mentioned Fr Kennedy's death earlier. Apologies.

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