Wednesday, March 8, 2017

A dysfunctional church

Last evening having come home from work I looked at the Gospel for today. Later in the evening I had to attend a Vincent de Paul meeting and when I eventually got home, sat down to write a few words on the Gospel.

I watched the news and then Prime Time.


On Saturday I read Diarmaid Ferriter in 'The Irish Times' and on Monday in that same paper I read Una Mullally.

Again, OMG.

I have never understood the living relationship between a bishop and his priests and people.

There is nothing I can do about the past. But I can comment on the present and I don't like the management style of our church and I am nervous about what's going on in the Irish province of the Dominican Order: a tendency to put more emphasis on liturgy, candles and incense than on people.

And that's at the core of so much that is wrong in the church - not seeing itself as the people of God.

Priesthood does not make a man know more than his fellow sisters and brothers.

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