Thursday, December 15, 2016

From Russia with love

Approximately 100 people demonstrated outside the Embassy of the Russian Federation on Orwell Road last evening.

They were demonstrating against the Russian military operation in Syria.

A passing-by cyclist, a student at UCD, stopped for a few moments and commented to someone that he was opposed to the demonstraton.

"The Russians were invited into Syria by a sovereign government, so what's the problem. But of course it's terrible what's going on and I'm sure some of the people demonstrating here are from Syria," he said.

            Outside Russian embassy last evening.

The text below was sent to this blog.
In light of whats happening in Aleppo, I've received several messages and seen even more posts along the lines of 'what can we do?' and 'how did it come to this?' In this rant I'll start with the latter.

How did this war start? While in Syria I heard several situations. The first was that Qatar wanted to send an oil pipeline through Syria direct to Europe saving both the Qataris and ourselves plenty of dollars. The Assad regime was having none of it so Qatar, along with their Saudi buddies began flooding and bankrolling different groups with different weapons. The Arab spring was in effect so it could be perceived that a revolution was a natural occurrence and Qatari meddling would go under the radar.

Al Jazeera, a Qatari owned media company, would report on protests that were actually happening but blow them completely out of proportion, keeping in line with Qatar's agenda.
Another trigger to the war told to me was that Hillary Clinton pushed for regime change. After she managed to turn Libya on it's arse, Syria was next. Regime change was America's agenda. Sadly for them, swift results weren't accomplished and with Obama's 'no boots on the ground' policy promised in his election campaign, the US began flooding Syria with, you've guessed it, jihadis, cash and weapons.

The third scenario is that the Syrian people simply had had enough of the Assad regime and in line with the Arab spring banded together and rose up against the dictatorship. Which of these scenarios is the correct one? All 3, none of them? I simply don't know. How can we know without actually being there. I myself was in Aleppo province in Manbij, the equivalent as say, Navan to Dublin so I don't know. But a lot of people claim to know. We put our faith in our media and different observatory groups. 

Unfortunately these organizations have their own agendas. We've seen recently that civilians are being mown down in the dozen in Aleppo right as i type this. Some outlets are reporting that it's regime troops, others reporting that it's rebels. Some sources reporting that humanitarian corridors have been sanctioned by Assad and are letting civilians and rebels flee. Others reporting that the regime are targeting people in these corridors and rebels aren't letting civilians leave. Whose right? I don't know.

We've all seen the White Helmets in action pulling people from the rubble. On one hand they are doing remarkable work, saving lives and dying daily. On the other hand, when you delve into their origins, this group isn't as black and white as Facebook (also with an agenda) would lead you to believe. Backed by George Soros, a man who leads a company on western Intervention, The White Helmets have serious financial backing in the hundreds of millions. While they do exceptional work, saving lives isn't their main purpose. They are a pawn in this war and are a useful propaganda tool in Britain's agenda (regime change).

So what may have started out as a civil war is now a straight up proxy war. Every nation on Earth is meddling in Syria, each with their own media, each with their own agendas. Even Canada. CANADA! Even America's polite and nervous neighbour to the north has their agenda.

There are up to 1500 groups fighting in Syria right now. Sunnis, shias, Saudi & Qatari backed, ISIS, US, UK, Turkey, the list goes on. None of these give a shit about the people of Aleppo and Syria. And for what? Oil and regime change.

And that leads me into what we can do about it. Directly helping the people from an emergency humanitarian angle is extremely difficult. When we set up Syrias Vibes we couldn't get certification to accept donations to our site because our URL had the word Syria in it. Only when we threatened to go full Twitter on the situation did we receive said certification. We also had a large donation sent to us by transfer from one Irish bank to another. The reference on the transfer was' Syria' so the payment was frozen by City Bank (US) in Germany and would only be released if we could prove that the money would not go to Syria. Our work is in Syria so where the hell are we gonna send it?! 

So that, with sanctions and border closures, the world couldn't give a flying toss to help the people there. Where's the UN? Busy condemning everyone, which is what they do best.

You have to look at this as an economic travesty. Europe want cheap oil, America want cheap oil, we want cheap oil. Our need to keep it cheap, along with electronics, slave labored clothes and bags of bananas for under a dollar have led to the absolute shitfest of a planet we find ourselves in. We let our governments do what they gotta do on our behalf and let the media they control ram their agendas down our throats.

So what can we do for the people of Aleppo? Fuck all. We should all be ashamed of ourselves for the people of Aleppo, Syria, Iraq, Eritrea, Chad, all of these people floating around the med, all of these people who eat 4 meals a week. If you want to do something you'd want to sort out the difference between your greed and your needs. I was never a politically minded person. Left wing, right wing, someone's got their hand up the birds ass anyway is what I thought. But it's 2016, the year satire and humanity died and it's up to all of us to get active, to have a voice, let these lying fucking idiots that we elect term after term that this isn't us. It's our duty to help and be heard so get on it or go back to yer cat videos.


Andreas said...

Have a listen to that:
Eva Bartlett is a independent (which is very important!) journalist from Canada

Vital Burger from Switzerland travelled a few days ago to Syria and will issue every day a little video clip like the one below:

...and since you mentioned 'Orwell' are here some words from him before he died:

Andreas said...

Michael, i have to say it's an absolutely great letter!!

Maybe that video with General Wesley Clark helps to find the right answer above?

Deirdre Duff said...

Great letter. Insightful – yet heart breaking analysis of the possible causes of this tragic mess.
‘If you want to do something you'd want to sort out the difference between your greed and your needs.’
Terrific line. How much time does the average citizen spend educating him/herself and others on the causes of these kinds of problems, holding our politicians accountable and building and organising much needed movements to try and change the structures and politics that has our world in the mess it is in. If you were to calculate the time that the average good willed citizen spends on these things it might become clear why our world is in such a mess. So many good people just don’t engage. Why?? Should there be some sort of ‘political engagement and social justice’ module taught in schools?
How much of modern evil has some sort of association with oil? Hard to quantify it but would be interesting to see a stat on it. Be it war or abuse of indigenous peoples or the climate change that’s already claiming millions of lives – fossil fuels never seem to be far away. Oh for a world powered by the sun and the wind. Community owned renewable energy. Leaving climate change aside imagine how much more peaceful and equal it would it be. You can’t really fight over the sun- or at least not in a fraction of the way in which you can fight over oil. The transition to renewables will happen – and is happening - but it’s a transition that can’t happen fast enough. We need to push as hard as we possibly can to accelerate it. So many lives do literally depend on it. Too late for those poor people of Syria and Iraq though. How oh how to help them now?

Andreas said...

Just wanted to add a quote from Willy Wimmer who was working in the Kohl administration from 1985 to 1992:

“The American and Western European engagement in Syria is a clear violation of international law. It is a military operation in the territory of another state which is not legitimized by the United Nations or international law.
All the misery that is evident in Syria is, of course, due to these forces. If there is any chance that the bloodshed will end in Syria it is thanks to the effort of the Russian federation, which is working on the side of international law to ensure that it is not unhinged. This is what the United States have been demonstrating since the war against Yugoslavia which was a violation of international law.”
Willy Wimmer

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