Thursday, March 24, 2016

It's more rounding up than rounding down for the shops

It seems most likely that retailers are winning the 'war' when it comes to the new rounding down/rounding up dispensation.

Keep your receipts for one week and you will see that the advantage lies with the shop.

With the footfall that stores such as Aldi, Lidl, SuperValu and Dunnes have, a cent or two here and there adds up. Its numbers, stupid.

Universal prinicpal: the little person never wins.


Mary said...

Rubbish. It goes either way - and most people buy multiple items each time they shop, so the "everything ends in 99c" argrument hold no water. Oh - and Dunnes aren't even applying rounding.

Michael Commane said...

Keep your receipts for one week and check.
Multiples of sums ending on 9 are in the favour of the shop in the majority of cases.
And are you sure about Dunnes? Is it not their auromatic cash points that give single cent coins?

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