Monday, May 26, 2014

A long way from Dublin

I arrived in Lusaka at midday. My first time to set foot on African soil.

Many things have changed the face of the earth in the 20th century but surely the invention of the airplane has squeezed the world into a tiny ball, at least in some ways.

On Sunday afternoon one can be in a bus travelling along the Liffey and then 24 hours later in Lusaka. And that's going the long way round.

Concern Worlwide works in Zambia and in the next days I will be visiting the agency's programmes. One of the programmes, which I will be visiting, is part-funded by the Kerry Group.

Concern employs 45 people in Zambia.

Zambai is 752.614 square kilometres with a population of just over 13 million people.

It is a landlocked country. There are seven major languages representing the 10 provinces and English is the official language. The country's capital is Lusaka.

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