Thursday, February 13, 2014

Believe it or not

Yesterday was the anniversary of the death of my mother, who died on February 12, 1988. She was 78.

Standing at the grave of my parents is one of those occasions where faith in God, resurrection, life after death occupy a central place in my thinking.

What does it mean to say 'I believe in God'? What does the word 'belief mean? What does the word 'God' mean?

Are there many priests, who don't believe in God? Are there many bishops, cardinals who don't 'believe' in God?

If a priest goes along to his bishop or provincial and explains that he does not accept the church's teaching on the Trinity or that he does not believe in the virgin birth of Jesus, would his bishop or provincial request him to leave mnistry?

Does a person's belief change over the years?

1 comment:

Caleb said...

I think a persons belief can change over time. This change can be good and it can be bad. That is why I think that you need to have something to anchor your belief into so that as your belief changes, it will still be grounded to truth. What is truth? That is something personal that you find and feel through the power of God. I actualy wrote a blog about when something tragic happend to me, I was able to find an anchor for my belief and it changed for the better.
Maybe you will find an answer there?

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