Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Maybe a telling post from the Rorate Caeli blog

The piece below appears on the Rorate Caeli blog. There certainly must be people in the Vatican who scratch their collective heads and wonder about it all. It's interesting to compare this picture with other  pictures on the Rorate Caeli blog. Indeed, well worth reading some of the entries. Entertaining too.

Is this where our church is?

Francis on Liberation Theology: "That's what Müller thinks!"

Unreported by Vatican Radio or L'Osservatore Romano regarding the Pope's partly closed-door meeting with a part of the Roman clergy yesterday was the following, mentioned by Sandro Magister in his Italian blog:

Abp. Müller and Fr. Gustavo Gutiérrez

While making one of the five questions presented to the Pope and speaking of the centrality of the poor in pastoral [action], a priest made a reference, in positive fashion, to Liberation Theology and to the understanding positions, regarding this theology, of Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller.

But when he heard the name of the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Pope Francis did not let him end his question, and said: "That is what Müller thinks, that is what he thinks."

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