Saturday, January 26, 2013

It is it's wrong but it's its priests

Why is it that so many publications with a church background or influence use the spelling 'organize' when all Irish newspapers and the majority of publications sourced in Ireland spell it 'organise'? Ireland uses 'ise' and not 'ize'.

While on the subject, it is embarrasing to note publications with church background confusing the neuter form of the possessive adjective with the abbreviation that is made through using the neuter form of the personal pronoun and the third person singular of the verb to be.

All classes of priests seem to make the error, including bishops, canons, vocation directors. Or should that be vocations director? The Irish Times goes for 'trade unions but most dictionaries prefer trades union.

Eddie Hobbs on The Saturday Show on RTE One this evening, when speaking about a group of people said; "the whole gambit".

And these people can wield such power and authority, sound and look so suave.

Is it all spoof and nonsense just as their use of language is?


richard said...

While you lost me at "while" in the second paragraph, Michael, i do think it was suppose to end "of the verb to be" rather than "of the very to be". Having said that, its very easy to criticise from a position of significant less knowledge.

Michael Commane said...

Oops, thank you.

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