Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The stories behind the pictures and words

There is a photograph in the current issue of The Irish Catholic of a priest, dressed in liturgical vestments, giving Communion to a little girl. It seems the little girl is about to kneel. The picture seems to be taken in a field or garden.

In a publication of a religious order, the provinical is referred to as the 'boss'.

What would the late Cardinal Martini think of these two moements in time?

1 comment:

John Mc said...

Your attack on a fellow Dominican is unwarranted and untimely. I was there at that Mass. It was at a Mass Rock in County Cork. The girl belonged to a family who normally celebrate the Eucharist in the Extraordinary from. If her conscience is telling her to kneel whilst welcoming the King of Kings and Lord of the whole universe surely her conscience should have primacy over your sick notions. You have obviously lost your marbles. Your order should remove you from ministry and the Priest in question should sue you. Your reference to "liturgical lap dancing” is obviously born from your perverted mind as it has no place in reality.

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