Sunday, February 26, 2012

Chicago cardinal not to dine with Taoiseach

Hopefully any suggestion that Cardinal Francis George has turned down a reception to the Irish meal in Chicago on March 16 has nothing to do with Irish policy not to have a residence ambassador in Rome to the Holy See.

Over the last 20 years the Catholic Church has stressed that there is no one corporate church that is universally responsible for what its priests do and don't do.

That's a dodge and if the absence of George is because of the Irish position, then the church seems to be contradicting its own position.

It seems there is appearing worldwide within elements of the church a rabid conservatism that is as worrying as any of the fundamentalist forms that show their ugly heads in other religions.


Barry Nyhan said...

Michael, my comment refers to an older blog on the new English missal.

An American Dominican argues in a well researched article (see link below) that the new translation of the words of consecration, changing the old version '' bood of the new covenant shed for all'' to ''shed for many'' is not alone inaccurate, but also not in keeping with a central tenet of Christianity, according to which Christ died for the salvation do all.

I wonder is it heretical ?

All the best,

Barry Nyhan

Michael Commane said...

There seems never to be a problem with right wing heresy.

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