Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Paternity test clears priest of RTE accusation

Earlier this year an RTE Prime Time Investigates programme accused Fr Kevin Reynolds, a Mill Hill priest, of statutory rape by fathering a child with an underage Kenyan girl.

Fr Reynolds has undergone a paternity test, which has proved negative.

This man's reputation has been destroyed.

Ireland's national broadcaster, RTE, has done the man grave harm.

In May he agreed to step down from his ministry in the parish of Ahascragh in Co Galway, while the allegations against him were being investigated.

Of course this is a shocking story and RTE has done the man a terrible wrong.

Did his religious congregation simply go along with what RTE said and 'disown' the man?

A spoksman for Mill Hill said that their investigation was still continuing.

Houston, we have a problem.

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Interesting and makes for interesting reading.