Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The faltering and sad words of a bishop

John Magee's interview last evening adds to the sadness of the Irish church.

His words and behaviour are the product and result of an organisation that has perfected the art of talking out of both sides of its mouth at the same time.

One might ask are all large organisations as 'daft' as the institutional church appears at present?

So many bishops are stumbling and faltering over words it is difficult to know what they are saying and for what it is they stand.

That John Magee should say he is willing to meet victims is painful, sad and really silly. Who cares what John Magee does now?

A far more important question is how was this man ever appointed a bishop in Ireland.

The rule seems to be a 'safe pair of hands'.

If that is the deciding factor, then clearly a new strategy is urgently required.

These men not too long ago spoke with such certainty about all things concerning God and morality - always nebulous and nuanced topics - yet they knew exactly how to frame and formulate it all.

Were they, are they just simple spoofers?

Anyone who has been confirmed or ordained by a bishop must sit back and wonder.

Watch how they will tell us all the wonders of the new English translation of the Missal.

In public it will be all wonderful words. Privately it will be another show.

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