Friday, October 1, 2010

Police confront Stuttgart 21 demonstrators

Yesterday tens of thousands of citizens of Stuttgart came in direct confrontation with the German police.

For weeks now there has been a dispute going on in the city concerning the development of Stuttgart 21. This is the project that plans building a new main rail station underground.

A growing number of people have been demonstrating against the project arguing that it is a waste of money and not at all necessary.

Last night it came to a major confrontation. The first trees were knocked. The people demonstrated and over a thousand German police responded, with pepper spray and water canon. Anyone who has seen the confrontation on television is surely moved by the ferocity of the police action.

The demonstrators came from right across Stuttgart society, pensioners, elderly women and men. They were not rowdies - indeed similar people to those who demonstrated 21 years ago in Leipzig.

One woman who was there spoke with passion of the brutality of the police and shocked that this could happen German citizens on German soil.

And this to happen in the days celerbarting the 20th anniversary of German re-unification.

It is interesting to compare what is happening in Stuttgart and the passion of the people with how we in Ireland are responding to our economic apocalyptic situation.


Francis Hunt said...

Indeed, Michael. I'm watching the continual Irish economic meltdown from Germany and amazed at the general business as usual attitude in the country at large. Have people simply accepted the destruction of their future and that of their children so philosophically?

Why aren't people like Bertie Ahern and Charlie McGreevy on trial for treason?

And the grasping gombeen antics of politicians like Healy-Ray (he's just one example, telling the people who elected him that his expenses are nobody's business) or Ivor Callely or Willy O'Dea - how can people vote for men like this? Or is the sly Irish admiration for cute hoors still alive and well?

ebook leser said...

So wie das in der Presse zu lesen ist, hat die Politik die grösste Schuld an dem Polizeieinsatz. Irgendwie verstehe ich die CDU nicht. Die schreien wirklich laut, wählt mich ab. Sei es bei den Atomkraftwerken oder besonders bei Stuttgart 21. Eine Regierung die gegen das Volk regiert wird bei der nächsten Wahl dafür abgewählt.

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