Thursday, February 5, 2009

Irish Rail and its crazy timetable

Both Dublin Bus and Irish Bus are in the process of laying off close to 600 workers. Irish Rail will most likely follow suit.

Last month Irish Rail introduced a new timetable on its Dublin Tralee service. The new timetable means that passengers travelling on the 20.00 ex Heuton Cork train arrive in Mallow at 22.19 and are obliged to wait 31 minutes for their connection to Tralee.

What surer way to drive people away from the railway and anger and annoy those who wait the long 31 minutes on cold wet and windy nights in Mallow station!

A decision such as this is obviously made at managerial level. You don't need to know anything about the railway to know that this timetable alteration is absolute nonsense. And it must make any ordinary person lose trust in a management class that could do something like this.

There are many stories circulating as to why passengers have to wait. They are of course anecdotal but each story is sillier than the next.

It is the same manager class who decide who will join the dole queues in the coming weeks and months.

Maybe someone needs to ask who exactly are these people and how have they been running the railway up to now.

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