Thursday, January 29, 2009

Treating cyclists with contempt

It's sometimes easy to get the impression that the civil authorities in Ireland treat citizens in a most disrespectful manner.
Anyone who has cycled from Templeogue to Tallaght since Christmas will understand.
There are cycle ways on both sides of the roundabout on the Templeogue Tallagh road over the M50. Should you take the cycle path to the left side of the roundabout then you are assured of running into difficulties. As soon as you are over the motorway you meet an iron fence prohibiting you to go any further in the direction of Tallaght.
This cyclist decided to follow the cycle way to the left and ended up in Firhouse. Not a funny story at 21.30 on a winter's evening.

Why could South Dublin Council not erect signposts for cyclists using the route? Not at all. Who cares about people on bicycles? Certainly not South Dublin Council if one is to judge them by their actions

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