Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Problems on the railway

The Irish media has not covered itself in glory in its reporting of the current unofficial rail dispute at Kent Station in Cork.

Print and broadcast media have refused to examine or study the underlying reasons for the current dispute.

The Pat Kenny Show on Friday was the perfect example in how not to do a news story.

This unoffical dispute is about rostering and an ungoing difficulty there has been between locomotive drivers and Irish Rail. It has been rumbling on in the background for many months.

If anyone studies the current timetable they will see that there are ghost trains timetabled - trains from Cork to Millstreet - the trains don't run and never ran.

Anyone who has been trying to go by rail early on a Sunday morning from Tralee will have discovered that the timetabled train does not always run. And that goes for many trains.

Irish Rail did a deal with the drivers re overtime. Some weeks ago a driver in the south west took holidays. The result is there is no driver to drive his train.

Even in this current dispute Irish Rail could easily tell the public the trains that are running and the ones that are not running.

Out of Dublin the 07.00, 08.00 and 09.00 ex Heuston to Cork are running as are the 15.00, 16.00 and 17.00.

Out of Cork the 10.30, 11.30, 12.30, 18.30, 19.30 and 20.30 ex Kent are running.

All train terminate and begin at Mallow Station.

How come Irish Rail don't advertise the trains that are running?

The working class are of course always blamed but what is particularly upsetting is how the general public are misinformed and then they in turn blame the working class. Worker against worker. Marx had something to say about that.

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