Saturday, September 7, 2024

Thoughts on the Scoping Inquiry Report

The Scoping Inquiry Report is available online.

US vice-presidential candidate Tim Waltz has made the word weird popular.

Is there not something weird about close to 2,400 allegations made of sexual abuse of children in in over 300 schools run by religious congregations?

The clerical church pronounced on every aspect of sexuality. There were and are far more sexual don’ts than dos in the catechism. People of a certain age will remember the reign of terror. That is over because the people have spoken with their feet.

Does it make sense to allow or ask a young person to make a lifelong solemn vow of celibacy?
Thirty, 40, 50 years ago a job was for life. That is no longer so. People move around and it’s good to change jobs if one can afford it. Our lifestyles have changed beyond belief.

Modern medicine, modern psychiatry, modern psychology is constantly throwing new light on everything to do with the human body, including our sexuality.

Is a person who takes a vow of celibacy better, holier than the person who doesn’t?  Young men studying for priesthood were told that the vow had an eschatological value and allowed the priest not to be distracted in his work, in other words they would have more time and space to work harder than their married sisters and brothers. In practice, is the opposite not the case?

As for the eschatology reason, it seems a strange understanding of grace and human nature.

The Scoping Inquiring Report mentioned nothing of the secrecy that exists within religious congregations and the clerical world in general.
Obsessive secrecy, anonymity are the oxygen that helped feed the sexual violence and evil that occurred in religious-run schools.

Why has there been no report on non-Catholic-run schools and diocesan-run-schools? Who made that decision?

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