Wednesday, March 6, 2024

The unspeakable horror of Gaza

Last evening Channel 4’s evening news carried a report on children dying in Gaza as a result of starvation. The pictures were horrific. One tiny child suffering from cerebral palsy, his desolate mother standing by his bed. At the end of the clip we were told the child had died. His eyes, his legs, no child should suffer this.

The programme went on to interview a Palestinian politician who had been released from prison. He spoke about how he had been stripped naked and humiliated while in an Israeli prison.

And then at the end of the programme a former member of the Knesset was interviewed. She spoke about the evil and horror that Hamas inflicts on the people of Israel and on its own people. She denied that prisoners are humiliated in Israeli prisons and blamed Hamas for the suffering of the Palestinians. She also said that the UN does not favour Israel.

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