Thursday, February 2, 2023

The terrifying reality of Russia at war

What must the Russian soldiers think as they fight today in Ukraine, indeed what must Ukrainian soldiers think? The Ukrainians are fighting for their land. It must be different for the Russians or do they actually believe they are fighting to protect Mother Russia?

Is it possible that we are about to enter moment of great importance in this war? Is Russia on the verge of a colossal breakthrough? Like at Stalingrad, their supply of soldiers is almost endless - 11 time zones of men and women. And if the Russians fail in eastern Ukraine what then?

BBC 2 aired the first in a three part series last Monday between 9pm and 10pm on Putin and the West. It was an excellent production. It interviews Western leaders who give their open and honest opinion on Vladimir Putin. Next in the series is Monday, February 6 at 9pm.

Powerful words from Alexander Solzhenitsyn:

"There is nothing that so assists the awakening of omniscience within us as insistent thoughts about one's own transgressions, errors, mistakes. 

After the difficult cycles of such ponderings over many years, whenever I mentioned the heartlessness of our highest-ranking bureaucrats, the cruelty of our executioners, I remember myself in my Captain's shoulder boards and the forward march of my battery through East Prussia, enshrouded in fire, and I say: 'So were we any better?

- Alexander Solzhenitsyn The Gulag Archipelago

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