Monday, May 10, 2021

Blessings ahead of International Day Against Homophobia

This was broadcast yesterday on WDR (West German Radio).

Westdeutscher Rundfunk or West German Broadcasting, is a public broadcasting organisation based in Cologne in the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia.

"Blessings in spite of the Vatican's ban: At first it was just words, now action follows: 

Today and in the next few days, Catholic priests across Germany want to bless all loving couples - whether gay, lesbian or straight. And that, in spite of the fact that the Vatican only recently clearly banned any such blessings.

In the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, blessings are planned today in a number of places, including Aachen, Hattingen and Cologne. 

Under the motto #liebegewinnt, (lovewins) church services are registered all over Germany around the main day of action on May 10, which is one week before the International Day Against Homophobia. “

International Day Against Homophobia is Monday, May 17.

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