Monday, February 1, 2016

Those mystery doors on Dublin Bus vehicles

Can anyone solve the mystery of the back doors on Dublin's buses?

Last week Dublin Bus circulated a letter to all drivers instructing them that they were to open the back doors of the bus. Drivers are to open the doors and should a passenger request the back door to be opened then it is a must for the driver to accede to the request.

It's not happening.

This morning on a 122 the driver refused to open the back door. The passenger was told by the driver that the doors are only opened at certain stops.



  1. Allegedly the drivers believe that they are personally liable, not covered by Dublin Bus's insurance, if a person is injured while getting off at the middle/back door.

    In practise I suspect that there are issues to do with decreased dwell times, which would lead to less working hours for drivers, if the back doors were used.

  2. Below is a note from Dublin Bus.

    Case Reference 110439

    Dear Mr Commane,

    I wish to acknowledge and thank you for your email.

    For safety reasons the driver can only open the back doors of the bus when the driver feels it is safe for passenger to embark the bus

    On behalf of Dublin Bus thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.


    Sinead Ryan

    Customer Comment Desk

    Dublin Bus, 59 Upper O'Connell Street, Dublin 1

    P: 01-8734222 | E:

    Facebook: dublinbusnews Twitter: @dublinbusnews

    Always know when your bus is due, click here for live updates

  3. As opposed to the front door, while the can open whether or not it's safe! :-)
