Saturday, June 29, 2013

Insulting the Germans step by step

On TV3 they spelled 'über' incorrectly and in today's Irish Times Fintan O'Toole writes ' Der Deutschlandlied'. It is a neuter noun so it should be 'Das Deutschlandlied'

Two seconds on Google would correct those errors.

It's embarrassing.


  1. Thomas G McCarthyJune 29, 2013

    But what about your spelling errors (in English and in German) and grammatical mistakes too in this latest comment, Michael?

  2. I think there is a difference. This blog was trying to bring attention to the crassness of what Anglo Irish bankers did.
    The follow up comments by TV3 and the Irish Times should have been treated with more sensitivity and care.
    They were hardly typographical errors as they were on this blog comment.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
