Friday, May 24, 2013

German ambassador with an eye on Wembley

The German ambassador to Ireland Dr Eckhard Lübkemeier has an opinion piece well worth reading in today's Irish Times.

He begins by talking about how two German clubs will play in Wembley tomorrow. He points out the next champions will be a German club, but not a German team.

Later he writes: " Our prospertiy depends on a prosperous Europe because the single market is and will remain our most importnt trading place.

"As the country with the most neighbours in Europe, our stability is best ensured by belonging to a community of democratic nation states.

"A Europe united in diversity and governed by the rule of law demonstrates that against all historical odds, lasting peace is possible and such a Europe can act as a force for good in the world.

The headline to the article is unfortunate. It reads: "We Germans needs Europe as much as Europe needs us"

A pity as it is a great piece.

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