Monday, April 8, 2013

Holding the train

City life is so different to life in the country.

At Rathmore station today, the 09.55 train was about to leave for Mallow when a young woman rushes into the station, carrying a hughe bag - one of those items Michael O'Leary loves to see.

The lone man working at the station sees her, grabs her bag and the two of them take two steps at a time over the bridge to the up platform.

The lone Irish Rail working at the station is also the man who gives the train permission to leave the station. So he makes sure the young woman is on the train before he gives his green flag.

Two minutes late leaving.

Where else could it happen?


Karen said...

It is why the country beats the city every time :)

Sile said...

I am sure that it could - and does - happen in many parts of Ireland, urban or rural. Stories like this give us hope for Ireland. SileShawch

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