Monday, April 29, 2013

Half price European seats with Aer Lingus

For the next five days Aer Lingus is offering a 50 per cent reduction on its fares to European destination.

It's a great offer and 'annoying' this blogger as only last Wednesday I purchased two tickets, Dublin Munich and Berlin Dublin.

A delay of five days and the tickets would have been slashed by half.

A funny old world indeed.

Is there an app out there which advises on when is the best time to buy tickets?


Francis Hunt said...

I wouldn't be that worried about it, Michael; it's only the basic fare they cut, the charges stay the same. So you fenerally finish up saving somewhere between €5 and €25 on such an offer; not nothing, but not the end of the world if you don't get it.

richard said...

'annoying'? Why the apostrophes? I would have thought it was just annoying.

Michael Commane said...
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Michael Commane said...

Where are the apostrophes?
Quotation marks were used as the price change may not be annoying to others or indeed the carrier.

Elizabeth Mitchell said...

Michael, I booked a return flight to Lisbon in late January with 20% off for travel in July. If I were to book the same return flight today with 50% off it would be much dearer. I have checked this out. I think Aer Lingus puts up fares firstly and then advertises 50% off.

Michael Commane said...

Probably and mugs like me are caught. That would have never happened with Interflug.

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