Tuesday, March 12, 2013

What to do with a retired pope

Someone sent this to the blog. It's meant to be a bit of fun and not in anyway intended to be disrespectful.

(a) Move him to a cloistered community (translate: make him an absolute prisoner of the Vatican)

(b) Allow him to devote his life to prayer (translate: make sure he makes no public statements)

(c) Protect his tranquillity in old age (translate: ensure he cannot be extradited or subpoenaed)

(d) Ask the faithful to pray for him (translate: hope he dies soon)

(e) Emphasise the spiritual nature of his retirement (translate: ensure he publishes nothing)

(f) Avoid confusing the faithful (translate: erase his memory as quickly as possible)

(g) Commit to building on his great legacy (translate: erase his memory as quickly as possible)

(h) Follow through on what he had begun (translate: erase his memory as quickly as possible)


Póló said...

There's always the Hague for former heads of State who have not behaved themselves.

Michael Commane said...

On a personal note: I have always had respect for Josef Ratzinger. I am sure he is a good man, a clever man and a holy man too.

Anyone who has read or tried to read 'Introduction to Christianity' is surely going to be impressed with the man.

Francis Hunt said...

This Roger Waters song seems appropriate :-)

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