Tuesday, March 12, 2013

What to do with a retired pope

Someone sent this to the blog. It's meant to be a bit of fun and not in anyway intended to be disrespectful.

(a) Move him to a cloistered community (translate: make him an absolute prisoner of the Vatican)

(b) Allow him to devote his life to prayer (translate: make sure he makes no public statements)

(c) Protect his tranquillity in old age (translate: ensure he cannot be extradited or subpoenaed)

(d) Ask the faithful to pray for him (translate: hope he dies soon)

(e) Emphasise the spiritual nature of his retirement (translate: ensure he publishes nothing)

(f) Avoid confusing the faithful (translate: erase his memory as quickly as possible)

(g) Commit to building on his great legacy (translate: erase his memory as quickly as possible)

(h) Follow through on what he had begun (translate: erase his memory as quickly as possible)


  1. There's always the Hague for former heads of State who have not behaved themselves.

  2. On a personal note: I have always had respect for Josef Ratzinger. I am sure he is a good man, a clever man and a holy man too.

    Anyone who has read or tried to read 'Introduction to Christianity' is surely going to be impressed with the man.
