Sunday, January 29, 2012

German State agency spies on Die Linke

The German story of the week is the revelation that the German Internal Security Service - Bundesverfassungsschutz - has been 'spying' 'observing' the behaviour of the Left Party - Die Linke.

On Gunther Jauch this evening a Mrs Lenksfeld - a former critic of the East German State, has expressed her belief that Die Linke, behind all its 'democratic show' hankers after a return to the old SED State. She argues that the party does not want to abide by the constitution.

Mrs Lengfeld's husband worked as an agent for the Stasi and spied on his wife.

Is it part of the German psyche to spend their lives spying on one another?

It seems they do it in the modern Federal Republic. They did it in the GDR state and then there was the Gestapo.

The current rational for the action of the Internal Security Service is that Die Linke are capable of not staying within the constitution.

Strange, eigenartig.

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