Tuesday, November 15, 2011

O'Brien's attack might start a great debate

Denis O'Brien writes an opinion piece in today's 'Irish Times' where he argues that the depiction of him as an enemy of journalism is undeserved.

He has harsh words to say about Eamon Dunphy.

He argues that Dunphy on one occasion wrote a piece in praise of Tony O'Reilly, which Denis O'Brien claims, was at the behest of Sir Anthony O'Reilly.

Mr O'Brien suggests that Eamon Dunphy can do anything he is asked provided he is offered a six-figure sum.

The piece is also a strong attack at the O'Reilly family who are rival shareholders of INM with O'Brien.

Mr O'Brien owns Today FM, Newstalk and the Spin stations. He also owns 21.6 per cent of INM.

It is at least an interesting debate and will certainly be discussed for many years in journalism courses.

Do newspaper proprietors influence editorial?

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